台北市中山區,百利飯店,Bailee Hotel
對於大多數女仕來說,身心能適時獲得歡愉紓解與享受,是很重要的, 因為平日裡工作、家庭、小孩、甚至夫妻間所累積的生活壓力,是會交互影響擴大,而比起男方,女方也會承受更大的壓力。如果能適時在切割開的喘息時光裡,只需專注在自身上,得到歡愉的慰撫與釋放,日子就會好過很多囉。
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台北柔風 Taipei Masseur – 油壓SPA按摩工作室 Oil Massage and Tantra Sensual Massage Workshop
女仕及夫妻情侶專屬;For lady and couple clients only;譚崔按摩歡愉體驗;Tantric Massage
Web: https://taipeimasseurblog.wordpress.com
Email: taipeimasseur@gmail.com
*Foreign Clients are welcome: We welcome foreign customers. Fluent in both Chinese and English. Female or couple clients only.
The service is provided only to female clients, or only to the females of couple clients. It is an outcall service in Taipei to the client’s designated hotel or home for a total of 2.5 hours. It is conducted by a male masseur with more than 10 year experiences in NYC and Taipei. Professional, respectful and discreet. There are two types and clients can determine what they want to:
A. Pure full body oil massage for 2.5 hours; or
B. Pure full body oil massage for 1 hour, followed by Tantra Massage and Yoni Massage for another 1.5 hours. (Tantra Sensual Massage will be provided only at the express and specific request of the client.)
If you want to book an appointment or have any question, please feel free to contact us via Email. Please be sure to leave your contact info (Email, Phone No., Line ID, or Skype ID) and you will be contacted soon.